HOUSTON – If the “quarantine 15” are starting to show and you’re trying to get your weight and health back on track, what you do in the mornings can make a lot of difference.

Certified nutritionist, Krystal Hammett with Alternative Wellness Solutions, shared effective ways to help you kick start your day.

To see Hammett’s tips, keep reading. And to see Hammett’s complete interview, watch the video below.

1. Start your day with a warm or hot mug of lemon water with a squeeze of half a lemon.

Courtesy: (iStock)

“Warm or hot water is preferred because it has been proven to help with aiding in improved metabolism, digestion and jumpstart detoxification. And squeezing lemon in your water has been proven to promote weight loss, increase detoxification pathways, improve your skin, maximize hydration, and even freshen your breath,” said Hammett.

2. Wait 30 minutes before you start thinking about breakfast.

Courtesy: (iStock)

“Breakfast is important because it is the first meal that literally breaks your fast. I encourage you to wait to eat breakfast until you feel hungry. Do not feel forced to break your fast until you’re ready. When you do re-feed your body, if you choose the wrong types of foods, you are setting yourself up for failure for the rest of the day,” said Hammett.

3. Your breakfast must consist of high protein and healthy fats rather than carbohydrates and simple sugars.

Courtesy: (Krystal Hammett)

“Just like sugar, high amounts of carbohydrates cause a spike in your insulin levels. High insulin levels result in cravings for more sugars and carbs, excess stored body fat and poor metabolism,” said Hammett.

“On the contrary, eating breakfast high in protein and healthy fat results in a variety of positive outcomes such as helping you feel fuller longer, accelerating your metabolism, regulates insulin levels, helps to maintain a healthy weight and even promotes weight loss,” she said.

According to Hammett, here’s what’s on the list of what not to eat for breakfast:

• Donuts, kolaches, bagels and pastries

• High sugar cereals and dairy milk

• Sugary breakfast bars and fruit bars

• Biscuits, pancakes, waffles and potatoes

Instead, she recommends delicious breakfast options that are high in protein and healthy fats such as:

• Protein shakes mixed with almond milk, include low glycemic fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds

• Eggs: Fry them in coconut oil or butter, make an omelet or egg scramble with veggies, bake egg cups, hard boiled, etc

• Chicken or turkey sausage or turkey bacon with your eggs

• Gluten-free protein pancakes

Courtesy: (Krystal Hammett, CNC)

To contact Hammett, you can click here.