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This week’s list might look a little light, but not to worry. Later this week, we’ll share a list of the most fun food and drinks to enjoy this Fourth of July weekend.
But for now, you can welcome an old friend back, meet a newly installed chef, celebrate our neighbors to the north and revel a little New Orleans-style.
Tuesday, June 29
Central Market Reopening, Neighborhood Preview
Central Market Preston Royal, 10720 Preston Road (North Dallas)
What: Take a preview tour of the store the evening before the store’s grand reopening.
When: 4:30 to 7 p.m., Tuesday, June 29
Tickets: Free with reservations on Eventbrite. Valet parking is also free.
After significant damage from the October 2019 tornados and storms, the store has been fully rebuilt and restored, and the doors are about to reopen. The first 600 attendees Tuesday afternoon can enjoy a preview tour that will include tempting tastings throughout the store.
An outdoor tent event will also be part of the festivities. Register/RSVP to get all the details.
June Lodge Social (Open to the Public)
Swizzle Tiki Bar, 1802 Greenville Ave, Ste. 110 (Lowest Greenville)
What: Hawaiian shirts, Dole whip, grass skirts and a night of fun with several local Order of the Eastern Star Lodges.
When: 6 p.m., Tuesday, June 29
Tickets: Free. Get the details on the Facebook page.
Tannehill, Pentagon, Highland Park and Dal-Cliff Lodges of Order of the Eastern Star have invited members and non-members to join them for a family-friendly luau-style night at Swizzle Tiki Bar.
Wednesday, June 30
“Unwined & Indulge”
Front Room Tavern at The Lumen, 6101 Hillcrest Ave. (Park Cities)
What: Five wine samples, five food tastings and live music.
When: 6 to 10 p.m., Wednesday, June 30
Tickets: $60 on Eventbrite
This hotel restaurant and bar with an elegant happy hour ambiance is bringing that vibe to a special evening of wine and food tasting to introduce diners to their new chef, Johnny Howard. Sophisticated takes on American comfort food are still on the menu, and you can discover chef Howard’s culinary artfulness while listening to smooth jazz from saxophonist C. Bradley.
Thursday, July 1
A Night in NOLA
Krio, 233 W 7th St #100 (Bishop Arts District)
What: Celebrate Krio’s one-year anniversary at a New Orleans-themed event sponsored by Oak Cliff Whiskey.
When: 4 to 10 p.m., Thursday, July 1
Tickets: Free. Get all the details on the Facebook event page.
In keeping with the NOLA theme, Revelers Hall band will play from 7 to 9 p.m., and frozen daiquiris will be served in Krio yard party souvenir cups. There’s also a buy-3-pounds-get-1-free crawfish special, and lots more fun in store.
Canada Day
Maple Leaf Diner, 12817 Preston Road, #129 (North Dallas)
What: Celebrate all things Canadian on our northern neighbor’s 154th birthday.
When: 1 p.m. Thursday, July 1, with specials through the month of July.
Tickets: Free. No reservations needed, but get there early for the free shirt.
The first 100 people through the door on Thursday will get a free Maple Leaf Diner exclusive Canada Day T-shirt. There’s also a social media sharing contest using #MLDCanadaDay2021 on Instagram or Facebook for two chances to win $500 in cash.
The diner’s poutine of the month is Buffalo Canadian Bacon ($11.99). Pro tip: Don’t sleep on the butter tarts, Nanaimo bars and other desserts.
Summer Beer Dinner at Vector Brewing
Vector Brewing, 9850 Walnut Hill Lane, Suite 405 (Northeast Dallas)
What: Five beers paired with five courses of fine food.
When: 4 to 10 p.m., Thursday, July 1
Tickets: $85 per person. Purchase online at Vector Brewing’s website.
We’ve shouted them out for their inventive food program, and now’s your chance to see (or taste) for yourself. The pairing dinner will include breads and spreads, dry-aged rib-eye, a brownie with beer ice cream and more.
Friday, July 2
Ladies Love R&B
People's Last Stand, 5319 Mockingbird Ln. #210 (Upper Greenville)
What: R & B plus Hip-Hop from TONEDEF The DJ
When: 10 p.m. to close, Friday, July 2
Tickets: Free with reservations on Eventbrite. Tables for four ($80) or couch seating ($100 and up) are also available.
It’s wonderful to see weekly events returning, especially at People’s Last Stand where the cocktails are crafty, the patio is jumpin’, and the parking is free. Catch this one any Friday night all summer long.
Saturday, July 3
Dallas Mimosa Walk
Deep Ellum Outdoor Market, 101-199 North Crowdus St. (Deep Ellum)
What: A drinking and shopping event with 50 Outdoor Market vendors and 10 mimosa stops.
When: Noon to 3:30 p.m., Saturday, July 3
Tickets: $25 on Eventbrite. Includes a souvenir glass, map and wristband.
Take a leisurely stroll through Deep Ellum with stops for mimosa samples at Deep Ellum Art Co., Flea Style, Rocket Fizz and seven more locations.
Dallas 24 Hour Club Steak Night
The Hubcap Cafe at Dallas 24 Hour Club, 4636 Ross Ave. (Old East Dallas)
What: Enjoy a steak dinner and live music with residents and supporters of Dallas 24 Hour Club.
When: Starting at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Saturday, July 3
Tickets: No tickets needed. Steak dinner is $14.99
For 52 years, Dallas 24 Hour Club has provided sober transitional living for homeless men and women seeking lives away from drugs and alcohol. To supporters, the 24 Hour Club is known for its fantastic foodie fundraising events.
On the first Saturday of every month, the group hosts a steak night in the on-premise restaurant. Pay $14.99 at the restaurant for a 10-ounce rib-eye steak, loaded baked potato, ranchero beans and garden salad. There will be live music while you socialize with residents and the community, and recovery meetings following at 8 and 10 p.m.
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June 29, 2021 at 04:00PM
This Week's Fun Food and Drink Events June 30-July 3 - Dallas Observer
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