
Best Denver Takeout and Online Food and Drink Events This Weekend - Westword

Well, here we are. Over eight months after restaurants across Colorado were shuttered to on-premises dining, metro Denver restaurants (and those in many other counties in the state) will again be closed to indoor dining as of 5 p.m. today, November 20. Outdoor dining remains an option, as do to-go and delivery. Still, restaurateurs are doing their best to keep things lively (this is Denver Restaurant Week, after all).

Below are our picks for special food and drink events this weekend, but be sure to check with individual businesses to confirm this information, as things continue to change quickly. Speaking of which: Get those Thanksgiving dinner orders in if you haven't already; many of the restaurants and other businesses on our list offering takeout food for your Turkey Day table are already sold out. 

Friday, November 20
Hit up the patio at Fort Greene, 321 East 45th Avenue, for an afternoon of fried chicken and wine. From 4 p.m. until sellout, natural wine distributor Yes Wines will be selling vino by the glass and by the bottle (bottles are for takeout only). Split Lip Chicken, the Nashville hot chicken concept from the folks at the fancier Ultreia, will also be on hand. Even if temps would normally drive you inside, the heat from the yardbird plus the warming properties of wine will keep you cozy.

Saturday, November 21
Ace Eat Serve, 501 East 17th Avenue, has stocked its expansive patio with all kinds of winter gear: heaters, fire pits, even igloos (if your whole party is from a single household) for outdoor eating. And from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Saturdays through December 12, it's also hosting free live music. On November 21, Dave Tucker and His Imaginary Band will be performing while you nibble on a special menu of ramen, soup dumplings and other bites and sip on hot sake and cocktails. Visit Ace's website for more details and patio reservations (recommended).

Take in dinner and a show without ever leaving the house — except to pick up your dinner, if you live outside DiFranco's delivery area. On Saturday, November 21, the Denver Philharmonic Orchestra is streaming a 2017 performance of Italian composer Ottorino Respighi's Pines of Rome. The free event begins on Zoom at 7 p.m., when restaurant owner and namesake Ryan DiFranco logs on before the show to discuss the red, white and pink wines he's chosen to pair with the performance. Pre-order your vino (each bottle comes with an appetizer and rings in at $30 or less) for pick-up at 955 Lincoln Street or delivery starting Sunday, November 15, on DiFranco's website; sandwiches and the eatery's excellent pasta entrees will also be available for purchase. Visit Eventbrite to register.

Sunday, November 22
This winter is going to be a drag, so why not bring the drag home with you? The Triangle, at 2036 Broadway, is packing up its Sunday brunch to go, so you can order and then pick your food at the restaurant. But what's brunch without entertainment (whether it's your drunk friends falling asleep in their eggs Benedict or something more sophisticated)? The Triangle's Twitch Bitch drag bingo is now online for your virtual pleasure to go with your brunch selections. Call 303-658-0913 to order, or order online, then pick up your food at the Triangle's drive-thru window. The show runs from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.; you'll get a link when you order your food. See details on Facebook.

Upslope's Spiked Snowmelt is one of the contenders in this year's Fizz Fight.

Upslope's Spiked Snowmelt is one of the contenders in this year's Fizz Fight.

Upslope Brewing

Wednesday, November 25
You love seltzer, which probably means you're in the demographic currently getting all the blame for Colorado COVID cases skyrocketing. Stick it to those self-righteous Gen-Xers by staying home on Wednesday, November 25 (otherwise known as Drinksgiving) by both indulging in your love of hard seltzer and staying home and — in a turn of phrase that makes us green with envy that we didn't coin it — "seltzering in place" with the 2020 Fizz Fight festival. Early-bird pricing for both GA and VIP party packs are currently in effect; for $40 or $50 (regularly $55 or $65), you'll get sixteen seltzers plus a hard kombucha for VIPers, delivery of your booze, and access to a 7 p.m. live stream where you can vote for your faves and play drinking games during interviews with a lineup of C-list reality TV "personalities" (drink every time someone uses the word "influencer"). Visit Fizz Fight's website for details and tickets.

And plan ahead:

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Bob's Babka is a winner no matter what holiday you celebrate.EXPAND

Bob's Babka is a winner no matter what holiday you celebrate.

High Point Creamery

Thursday, December 10
Hanukkah begins Thursday, December 10, and because the only sure things this year have been COVID, taxes and political incompetence, we urge you to plan ahead by pre-ordering the carbiest, sugariest, most comforting Hanukkah sweets you can find, immediately. Visit the Staenberg-Loup Jewish Community Center's (JCC) website now to place your order for a pint of Bob's Babka, an olive oil ice cream with chunks of babka (a sweet, eggy, yeasted holiday bread) swirled in. High Point Creamery is producing the pints, which go for $10 each (includes tax and credit card fees) and will be available for pickup on December 10. Walk-up sales won't be offered this year, so make sure you get your order in promptly. Both locations of Olive & Finch (1552 East 17th Avenue and 3390 East First Avenue) are offering Hanukkah cookie kits for the family that come with a dozen sugar cookies, five different colored frostings, decorations and a tote bag. Order your kit on the cafe's website (mention "JCC Denver" at checkout, and 10 percent will be donated to the JCC) and pick up your haul between Tuesday, December 8, and Thursday, December 10.

Know of an event or activity that belongs here? Send information to And see our Thanksgiving deal list here.

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November 20, 2020 at 08:11PM

Best Denver Takeout and Online Food and Drink Events This Weekend - Westword
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