DEAR JOAN: Our yard has a lot of plants that attract pollinators. Occasionally the sprinklers leave water droplets on the branches. Can you tell me how bees get their water? How do bees drink?

Dave Clark, San Mateo

DEAR DAVE: All living beings need water to survive, and bees are especially in need of a reliable source of water. That’s because while many other insects get most of their fluids through their diets, munching on juicy leaves, plants and fruits, bee are eating pollen and nectar, which don’t have much water content.

Bees have a problem, though. They can’t swim and in order to drink, they need to be able to stand on something and dip their proboscis into the water. Falling in can be disastrous.

To help our bee friends, we can do a number of things. If we have birdbaths, we can add some stones that rise slightly above the water level, giving the bees a safe perch, or float some corks in the bath. We also can put a little water in a shallow dish just for the bees.

Using overhead sprinklers, where appropriate for the plants, also creates droplets on leaves that the bees sip from. One enterprising bee enthusiast also creates pots made of coiled soaker hoses. The hoses put out droplets of water, so by attaching a timer and setting it to run at intervals during the day, the bees have a safe supply of water.

We also can grow plants that hold water drops and dew on their leaves, such as lamb’s ear or any salvias with fuzzy leaves.

DEAR JOAN: Any ideas on how to stop the raccoons from using the roof of our shed and planter boxes for their toilet?

Anne, Lafayette

DEAR ANNE: I have a feeling some of my readers who struggle with raccoons in their neighborhoods are going to laugh at these suggestions, but it’s what the experts recommend. Most of it, however, depends on the stubbornness of the animal.

For your tool shed, tape two layers of plastic — you can use large garbage bags — in the area the raccoons have been using for their latrine. Raccoons have sensitive paws and don’t like to walk on loose plastic. Using a couple of layers of bird netting should work, too.

Because raccoons like going in the same spot, try adding some different things to your planter boxes, such as garden gnomes or pink flamingos. They don’t have to be tacky or garish; just something different that will confuse and upset the obsessive-compulsive raccoons.

You also can over-water the boxes as raccoons don’t like mud on their paws. If you have a motion-activated sprinkler, set it to go off when the raccoons approach an area you don’t want them in.

Be careful in cleaning up the latrines as raccoon droppings can carry nasty things. Fortunately, COVID-19 has us well prepared for dealing with raccoon waste. You’ll need to wear a mask and gloves, avoid touching your face, and wash your hands thoroughly when you are done.

If the droppings have dried, spray them lightly to reduce dust going into the air. Put the droppings in trash bags, tie them closed and drop them in your garbage can, along with your mask and gloves.