
Westword's Eat Here List of 100 Favorite Restaurants for 2020 Arrives - Westword

Eat, drink...and be wary this season.

No industry has been hit harder by the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic than restaurants — and that’s hit all of Denver hard, too. After all, dining rooms and bars are where we gather to share good food, good drink and good times with friends, family and neighbors. But while gathering is currently taboo, you can still experience good food and good drink by ordering to-go or delivery, or even braving an outdoor patio. As a result, there's no time like the present to patronize and celebrate the metro area's restaurants: eateries that are doing everything they can to stay open and keep serving the dining community.

Every year, we round up our 100 favorite Denver restaurants in Eat Here. Some of the spots that were on our list in December 2019 are already gone for good, but there are many, many more that continue to do exemplary work in the most difficult of circumstances. So we moved forward with compiling our annual list of the 100 restaurants that we can’t live without — and now hope we don’t ever have to.

Eat Here is intended as a reminder that greatness continues when and where we least expect it, and also as a thank you to the people cooking, serving, washing dishes, answering phones, delivering your food, enforcing the rules and making Denver a better city every day.

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While we limited the new Eat Here list to restaurants that are currently open (since getting you and good food together is our primary goal), we wanted to take note of some top contenders that are temporarily closed. We hope to see them all back next spring, and on the next Eat Here list:

Biker Jim's Gourmet Dogs, 2148 Larimer Street
Buckhorn Exchange, 1000 Osage Street
ChoLon Modern Asian (downtown location), 1555 Blake Street
Chow Morso Osteria, 1500 Wynkoop Street
Flagstaff House Restaurant, 1138 Flagstaff Road, Boulder
Izakaya Den, 1487A South Pearl Street
LeRoux, 1510 16th Street
Mercantile Dining & Provision, 1701 Wynkoop Street
Ototo, 1501 South Pearl Street
Sunday Vinyl, 1803 16th Street

Now get out and eat!

(But do call first: Although all 100 restaurants were open the first week of December, hours and options are changing fast.)

Keep Westword Free... Since we started Westword, it has been defined as the free, independent voice of Denver, and we would like to keep it that way. Offering our readers free access to incisive coverage of local news, food and culture. Producing stories on everything from political scandals to the hottest new bands, with gutsy reporting, stylish writing, and staffers who've won everything from the Society of Professional Journalists' Sigma Delta Chi feature-writing award to the Casey Medal for Meritorious Journalism. But with local journalism's existence under siege and advertising revenue setbacks having a larger impact, it is important now more than ever for us to rally support behind funding our local journalism. You can help by participating in our "I Support" membership program, allowing us to keep covering Denver with no paywalls.

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December 10, 2020 at 12:30AM

Westword's Eat Here List of 100 Favorite Restaurants for 2020 Arrives - Westword
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