One of the most delightful drinks Stranger critics have tried recently is this Black Power Peach Sour from Poco.
One of the most delightful drinks Stranger critics have tried recently is this Black Power Peach Sour from Poco. Photo by Christopher Frizzelle

If you are not already drinking at the start of this sentence, what's the holdup? The rest of us are drinking frantically. We're drinking alone at home (which we never used to do), we're drinking even though it's only 10:15 am (what is time anymore, anyway?), and we're drinking as we walk down the street. Technically, you're not allowed to drink while walking down the street, or in parks, but the world is ending, so screw it.


If you're not drinking because you're sober, a hearty and sincere congratulations to you. With you in mind, we have some non-alcoholic drinking included in this special issue as well.

We're still using the phrase "special issue" even though we haven't put out a print issue since March. But these next six weeks are the last blast of good weather for outdoor drinking, and because indoor drinking is basically a lost cause, we are taking this week, conveniently coinciding with the Democratic National Convention, to reflect and report on Seattle's drinking scene—its personalities, its policies, its cocktails, and its customs about peeing in the road.

Each day on Slog this week, we will be releasing new stories to add to the table of contents below.

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• Charles Mudede argues that we should abolish laws against outdoor drinking.

• Christopher Frizzelle goes to Poco, picks up a Black Power Peach Sour, and drinks it at Cal Anderson—a park he was once kicked out of for violating the law Mudede thinks we should abolish.

• Matt Baume shares a recipe for a cool, low-alcohol whipped cocktail you can make at home.
